Listen to The DJ

Music Samples

A beautiful day for a wedding! A ceremony to celebrate the joining of two people, to share a lifetime commitment together, for all your family and friends to witness, and adding great music to enhance such a joyous occasion!
Following your beautiful Ceremony, the night is young, and the party has just begun! As your guests arrive, invite them into your reception with some great “feel good” music! Make your guests feel right at home with some smooth jazz, or classics from years gone by, etc., from our huge music library, keeping the mood light, for great conversation with family and friends! Then excellent food, soft spoken conversation with family and friends and great music, set the mood for dinner! Have your guests enjoy a wonderful dinner, listening to romantic, elegant music selections, to make their dining experience memorable!
Lastly, using music to say what you feel, sharing that first song as “Husband and Wife”, choosing it as “our song”, along with picking out other great songs for the Father/Bride, Mother/Son, and other specialty dances, will truly be rewarding, as you put your “special touch” on your big night, to make it unique, and memorable for years to come! From the traditional, to the non-traditional, we’ll help you find those “perfect songs”, to make all the difference. Here are a few samples.

Ceremonial Music

Cocktail Music

Top 40 Dance Music

Hip Hop

Classic Rock

Latin Music

Contemporary Christian Music

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